Heritage İstanbul 2018

Ali Sarıalioğlu
Director, Samsun Directorate of Surveying and Monuments

Alessandro Zanini
President of Assorestauro

Aslı Öymen
Programme Coordinator at Cnn Turk

Prof. Dr. Aslı Özyar
Boğaziçi University

Cevat Çapan
Poet, Writer and Translator

Davide Pozzi
Director, L’immagine Ritrovata

Dr. A. Ege Yıldırım
ICOMOS Sustainable Development Goals Representative, Mudurnu Cultural Heritage Site Manager

Eylem Aydoğdu
Architect, Muğla Directorate of Surveying and Monuments

Faruk Malhan
Founder of Collection ve Istanbul Design Foundation

Prof. Dr. Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu
Director, VEKAM

Dr. Halil Onur
Architect, Head of the Fields of Istanbul Historical Areas, Member of the International Monuments and Sites Council

Haluk Şahin
Emeritus Professor Doctor, Istanbul Bilgi University

İbrahim Bulut
Senior Security Consultant, ALLSECCON Security Consultancy

İlkay İvgin
Conservator-Restorator, Archaeologist

Kerem Erginoğlu

Prof. Dr. Klara Inga Karaia
President, ICOM Georgia

Doç. Dr. Levent Köstem
Doç. Dr.

Mehmet Çebi

Mehmet Esen
Theater and Cinema Artist

Mehmet Özdoğan

M.Güray Tüysüz
Founder, Güray Museum

Mahir Polat
Foundation Expert, Directorate General of Foundations, Istanbul 1. Regional Directorate, Director of Turkısh Foundatıon Constructıon And Artworks Museum of Istanbul

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Aydın
Member of Friends of Cultural Heritage (FOCUH), Batman University

Murat Yalçın Çebi
Architect, Directorate General of Foundations, Istanbul 1. Regional Directorate, Deputy Manager of Work of Art and Construction Works Department

Mürsel Sarı
Directorate General of Foundations, Director of Istanbul 1. Regional Directorate

M.Özalp Birol
General Manager, Suna and İnan Kıraç Foundation Culture and Arts, Culture and Art Enterprises

Nebil Özgentürk
Journalist, Writer, Producer and Director

Nejat Çuhadaroğulu
Founder, Hisart Live History and Diorama Museum, İstanbul Turkey

Assist. Prof. Dr. Nermin Demirkol
Member of Friends of Cultural Heritage (FOCUH), Kocaeli University (KOU)

Nezih Başgelen
Archaeologist, President of Journal of Archaeology and Art

Dr. Nurdan Kuban
Kocaeli University Faculty Member, National Representative of ICOMOS SDGs

Piet Jaspaert
Vice-President, Europa Nostra

Recep Karadağ
Member of Friends of Cultural Heritage (FOCUH), İstanbul Aydın University, Faculty of Fine Arts

Rohit Jigyasu
ICOMOS Vice President

Salih Doğan
Museologist & Director / Culture CO. -Museums- Panorama 1453 Historical Museum & Topkapı Turkish World Museum, Culture& Art and Travel Writer, Oriental Languages and Literatures Specialist

Savaş Karakaş
Documentary Producer and Presenter, İZ TV

Dr. Sevda Elgiz
Founder of Elgiz Museum

Sevinç Çelik
Restoration Specialist, Architect, Istanbul Directorate of Surveying and Monuments

Sinan Genim

Suay Aksoy
President of ICOM

Prof. Dr. Sümer Atasoy
Chairman and Director, Cultural Technologies for Heritage and Conservation

Prof. Dr. Talal Akasheh
Chairman and Director, Cultural Technologies for Heritage and Conservation

Tim Powell
Creative Producer, Histortic Royal Palaces

Tonya Nelson
Chair of ICOM UK

Assoc. Prof. Zeynep ERES
Assoc. Prof. Zeynep ERES

Dr. Zübeyde Cihan Özsayıner
(Phd.) Director, Turkish Foundation Museum of Calligraphy Arts

Ahmet İğdirligil
Architect, Şans Architecture

Ahmet Feyyaz Subay
Underwater Archeologist

Metin Keskin
Master Architect